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ahh some space to catch up.

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ahh some space to catch up.

  • connie

    Real life sure does get in the way at times. :?
    Finally I can catch up here and other places, so if you see me commenting on loads of pics and looking like a stalker :lol: I am not! I am trying to comment on pics that no one has commented on though. If someone has taken the time to load a pic up then the least we could do is take time to comment…. right?


    I’m just a new member here, but I’ve noticed that there seems to be a huge amount of photos not commented on even those with a lot of views. Personally I’d prefer bad feedback than no feedback at all. :(
    I just commented on an introduction post that had 8 views and not 1 “Hi there and welcome aboard”
    If you do a search for unanswered posts, there are over a thousand.
    Come on lads :D

    miki g

    I agree with the above comments, but am personally guilty of viewing without commenting on certain images. My main reason (excuse) would be that I don’t know what I can add that would be of any benefit to the poster. That said, I do try to comment on images viewed whenever I can if I feel I can help the poster to improve the shot, but my views on an image are only my opinions on what I might do if taking such a shot.


    I think we are all guilty of viewing without commenting on some images :) I still class myself as a beginner and feel that what I may add compared to the more experienced photographers may be of no use. That being said this is ultimately art and everyone has a valid opinon on how it may look. Take the POTY competition. I would never had entered without encouragement and yet I placed quite well in the grand scheme of things. I look forward to seeing everyone’s comments when I post a picture as I am learning from what feedback I get. I also like to read comments from members who may only say “love it or hate it” There is nothing more dissapointing than posting a picture and getting no feedback whatsoever. :)

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