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Swing in the Woods

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Swing in the Woods

  • edg3

    Back from a trip to Germany today and just been sorting out my shots, spend a day at a horse expo and went for alot of walks so have hundreds of shots, but I had my favorites picked out on the flight home. This was my first process when I got home.

    While walking in the woods in the hills I spotted this, and it gave me a shiver, now in reality is actually very nice and friendly, but in my minds eye I seen creepy, Blair Witch type imagery and I spent a while getting the shot and lighting right. Took about 30 minutes waiting to get the sun to come out and light up the clearing just right.
    I used a polarizing filter to dim the colors in the original but when i converted to b&w using Silver Efex Pro I just found it gave it the atmosphere I wanted.

    1/30, f9.5, ISO100 50mm


    Feedback always appreciated.


    nice shot lad…and it does look a bit eery alrite…I could actually imagine being there and seeing the swing move as if someone were on it!! Spooky!! lol

    Green Meanie

    emmalongworth wrote:

    nice shot lad…and it does look a bit eery alrite…I could actually imagine being there and seeing the swing move as if someone were on it!! Spooky!! lol

    If the swing was actually swinging in the shot with no one on it that would have added to it IMO.


    showed it to a friend of mine, he said all it was missing was a red ball :)


    have to say i agree with ur friend lol

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