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Cat Nelson

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Cat Nelson

  • sndipo

    This is a photo of my now gone wild cat, taken while she was still good indoors. Surprised that I didn’t have to wait long to capture the right moment, because she seemed to be enjoying posing for the camera! :D
    My problem is the lighting. She was next to a huge window and the light was coming only from one side. I probably wouldn’t have caught her with the flash (?) and am asking now, should I have used any other light from the left hand side? What sort of light? Is there anything to be done now to improve the lighting in the picture? As I do like the captured moment and think I got the composition fairly right (all the whiskers and “eyebrows” in the picture)..
    Thanks for your help :)


    Nice puss, though the lighting is a little unbalanced, a little blown on the
    window side a just a tiny bit dark on the other, for future reference try diffusing
    the light from the window if it is very bright with a white sheet or something
    like that and then placing another white sheet or even paper on the opposite
    side to reflect the light, it will even it out a bit.


    Well, ya definately got the right moment, reminds of the cats the villains stroke when they turn around in their chairs haha

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