First time in a studio that a very generous allowed me to use. Have to give them a plug, Shutterbug & Eoin Hennessy in Kilkenny City
I am probably the worlds worst person using Photoshop so there has been no retouching in the photos. I am sure there could be many improvements made with PS, but I am going to have to learn.
Love the poses – they are very natural.
I particularly love the catch-light in the eyes of the adults in the last shot.
I find getting the catch light really lifts any photo, particularly when it’s a child.
I was so nervous and excited about taking these pictures as it was my first time to use studio lighting and for the want of a better word “directing” a shoot. It thought me a lot and I am just dying to get back and try it again.
So hopefully I will have some new pictures up again soon.