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First C&C

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First C&C

  • liamcoe

    Hi all,

    this is my first post of hopefully many [so please be gentle :wink: ]

    Only recently started using a ‘proper’ camera having been used to point-and-click up to now.

    Took a while to get used to manual settings but learning the whole time.

    For your C&C:

    taken at a recent vintage show

    noticed this while having a smoke outside the front door

    thanks in advance


    first is ok the second pic is oof and well overexposed had you flash on when shooting insects i use manual focus and flash set on ettl mode here is a great link″ onclick=”;return false; hope you will enjoy” onclick=”;return false;


    Hey Liam,
    The important thing here is that youve moved onto using the manual setting, a lot of people never make that transition. Well done too for posting for critique.

    1st image,
    The compostion and subject matter is very good, I like that you chose to keep the red white and blue horizontal rather that the text in the centre hub, but that was at the expense of the piece of cloth sticking out. The DOF is very nice, better than I would have imagined you would get with f/7 at 55mm. Very nice.
    The highlight on the hub is a bit distracting though, maybe blocking that light source or changing angle. It suffered slightly from camerashake, at (1/160) with the 18-55mm lens shouldnt have been an issue, but maybe you were holding it at an awkward angle.
    Dont forget the rule of thirds :) It would have worked better for me if the steering wheel spoke on the centre right was more central.

    Image 2
    Subject matter and composition I like, as the previous poster noted, its seriously overexposed, you didnt use a flash what you did do though was use ISO equiv: 1600 which is to high for this type of shot and a 1000d isn’t really able to deal with ISO that high from a noise reduction standpoint giving that very grainy look. The Exposure Time: 0.0020 s (1/500) is a very fast shutter spped and Im guessing that the reason you used the high ISO. A good rule of thumb is to keep the exposure no less than the focal length (your 18-55 has image stabilising so you could go a little less) and your ISO at about 200, your focal length was 55mm and I think at that the widest open your aperature could be is 5.6 which is what you set it at. If its not bight enough at this, your options are increase ISO try 400, not bright enough, then reduce shutter speed again slightly.
    Shoot in RAW, it’ll give you more leeway with exposure when your processing.
    Anyway all this is just my 2 cents and only pointers at that, hope you dont mind and thanks for sharing.
    PS is the mustang yours? :D


    thanks for the replies

    re the 1st pic – I was leaning in the window of te car at about a 45degree angle.
    and no, unfortunately it’s not my mustang :(

    the second one – points taken re the exposure / iso etc

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