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Two Cows…

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Two Cows…

  • robmgra

    …In a field. Yeah.

    Two Cows by Civilized Worm, on Flickr


    :lol: sounds like the beginning of a joke!

    I would be tempted to clone a few more black & white cows all along the
    top of the hill……..but that would be cheating wouldnt it?


    Hi Rob,

    It’s all too easy when we learn a bit about photography to take the “rules” of photography and use them to make
    knowledgeable critique on any image presented to us.

    With this photograph I might say that the cows were too close to the edge of the frame.

    I might also say that there should be space for any moving object to move in to so the
    cows should be on the other side of the frame.

    I might say the rule of thirds was not adhered to.

    Than I look at the picture and I realise it has a certain charm that it mightn’t have if all the “rules”
    were observed.

    I like it.

    Well done,



    Thanks for the replies guys :)

    Yeah I get what your saying John. Not much – if any thought went into the shot, twas just a funny little image that caught my eye while i was actually photographing an abandoned house across the road in another field.

    Glad ye found the charm in it none the less.

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