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small world…

  • Dayglo

    Of spider and Foxglove..


    A nice image but the Spider is just a little too small in the frame.
    I looked at your flickr, really impressive underwater shots………/Mikka


    Thanks for the honest critique Mikka.
    Yes, I do agree with a bit more ‘frame filling’ on the subject, but I couldnt pull a ‘Mikka’ shot on this little fella I’m afraid. :D
    The little spider in question was about 5mm across- really small.
    Its a species of Crab Spider- Family Thomisidae- according to the books- a really beautiful little guy.
    I shot him by holding the foxglove in my hand- (it was windy at the time), with my other hand on my D200- I was using a Nikon 60mm Macro/int. flash. The shot was a lucky one.
    Actually if you or anyone wanted to get something this small, what would you like to use?
    I’d be curious about your favoured choice of ‘weaponar’y-lens wise.

    Thanks again Mikka. :)

    ps. and thank you for your kind words re: underwater shots- still a work in progress tho’.
    I wonder what stuff you could churn out if you took your camera underwater!

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