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Saltee Island

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Saltee Island

  • dsapkota

    Dear All,

    I was there in Saltee Island on 11th July to try my luck for Puffin, got Puffin too, not in great pose though and captured this landscape –″ onclick=”;return false;


    Hi Dhruba,

    I hope ypou had a lovely time on the Saltees.

    This is a lovely photograph and I really like the colour in the foreground water.
    In fact the colour is nice all around the frame.

    The horizon is a little crooked but that is a simple fix.

    I would suggest that you embed your images as I think you will get more comments.
    As it is members have to click on your link and many will not do this.
    You will have to resize the images to a max of 800 pixels wide.

    You will find some info here: posting-photos-resizing.html

    All the best,



    Many thanks John. I am new to this site, I will follow your suggestion.


    Hi there and welcome to the site, I had a quick look through your site and you have
    some beautiful shots there, I really love the wildlife shots, where are you based? I know
    you didnt get all those spoonbills in Ireland :lol:


    Some nice images, the few I looked at but can’t make sense
    of the need to plaster your details over the focal point!
    If you are worried about theft of an image, then re-size them!

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