Nice shot Feargal.
Good compositioning.
I like where she’s sitting and the positioning of the the arms.
Small change might improve it. It might benfit from a slight straightening of the
horizon (arbitary rotation clockwise by just about .7 degree) and a slight crop
which you have to do anyway when you rotate. Might be best taken of the sky.
You may have more photograph to play with anyway if we are already looking at a crop.
You could always clone the stones on the right across a little to the left- but i wont tell anyone.
Good shot. Like your landscapes on the your website also by the way.
Hey Gerry, thanks a lot for such a detailed response. I didn’t spot that the horizon was slightly off, but thanks for pointing it out. I’ll get to straightening it out now. I don’t use photoshop so I won’t be cloning the rocks out, but I think you’re right about losing a bit of the sky, it was pretty drab anyhow so no great loss. It’s also really good to hear that you checked out my blog and liked my landscapes, much appreciated!