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Sourcing Guest speakers as part of our Club’s ac...

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Sourcing Guest speakers as part of our Club’s activities

  • DamianC

    Hi folks
    As a member of a photo club here in Letterkenny I’m part of a sub committee group that has been asked to source and organise guest speakers for the coming year. We are a paid up member of the IPF and I will be making contact with them to see if they have guest speakers on a circuit.
    I wondering if any of you have been involved with clubs/organisations that has/had experience with the whole guest speaker’s thing and be able to give me some help and direction.
    1. Who would be a good & interesting Guest Speaker. Has anyone got contacts/details of speakers that they found interesting and worth while having.
    2. Would these people travel midweek.
    3. What would one expect to pay these people. We are a small and new club at present with not a lot in funds. Do these speakers look for much expenses, would they look for an overnight stay etc.
    4. Should we also charge our club members on a night of a guest speaker (e.g.€2 or €5).

    I would appreciate anything you have to offer on this topic



    I have given a number of talks at a few clubs (on sports photography).

    Our club has had a number of visitors. Normally a token gift is given (up to €50), depending on travel, etc.

    You’ll actually find a wealth of talent and people able and willing to speak on a number of topics on this site and others. Try to find local-ish speakers. You may be surprised the talent near enough to you.


    Thanks Paul, I’ve sourced A couple of guys who are interested and they are quite near, just want their fuel paid for so that’s great.


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