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Recent Ilford interview with Ilfords Steve Brierley

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Recent Ilford interview with Ilfords Steve Brierley

  • Eddie

    An interview with Ilfords Steve Brierley (episode 17) on the current state of play in the film/paper market, also a mention about Polaroid and the Impossible project, silver prices, the trends in paper usage, new products. With so many rumours doing the rounds nice to hear the real story. The first 15 minutes is an intro from Ed and Leon from Filmwasters. Leon Taylor is asking the questions.

    Leon Taylor images can be viewed here.


    Very good Eddie, off to listen to that now !. Thanks for posting :)


    I was talking with several English photographers over the week end and they were disheartened with the present attitude of Ilford towards the home market (which would include us). They gather that Ilford are mainly concerned with the American market at the expense of the home market. They also feel when the lease on the present premises runs out the land will be sold for housing. Not encouraging at all for us Ilford users.

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