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Fuji X100

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Fuji X100

  • Covey

    Any users out there?


    Got one about three months,good for candids,street & low light,excellent jpegs, also practically silent operation.


    Love it and hate it equal measures.

    Very quirky, but I knew that beforehand and have got used to it.

    A few major problems though (for me in any case)

    Shutter Lag – Very annoying severe shutter lag, especially in bright sunshine.
    Card Write Speeds – Awfully slow even with expensive fast card bought
    Battery – 2 hrs approx , not fit for purpose
    Battery Charger – Worst ever. Plastic inset lost after a couple of weeks. Didn’t know it wasn’t moulded on until I lost it.
    Burst Mode – Takes your burst shots (1-10) and then reverts automatically to single frame (very annoying) .

    The stuff being hard to find etc I can live with, but some of the above make it more or less unusable as a street photographer.


    Yes I know where you’re coming from and I share your pain,
    I knew about the battery charger beforehand so I secured it with superglue

    bought some spare third party batteries so don’t get caught out

    tend not to use the burst mode

    agree about write speed and shutter lag

    but all in all I still like it for the image quality and the way it tends not to attract attention like a dslr does.


    I’ve got a replacement and superglued it. :D Using a battery charger meant for another battery is really not on when it’s that expensive.

    Likewise bought some spare batteries.

    If it was only those two issues I could live with the workarounds tbh as with other things I didn’t mention.

    However it’s marketed as a street camera and is useless for that. Aside from static subjects, you get a photo you didn’t take and don’t get the photo you took. And of course you never took the shots you wanted to take when it was for ever writing to the card.

    Likewise never use burst mode, but thought it might be a workaround for the shutter lag problem. Sadly that doesn’t work properly either. :evil:


    What tends to work for me streetwise is camera at chest level suspended from neck strap,auto iso set at max 3200,minimum shutterspeed 125 and aperture 4 and just keep my finger on shutter button at the ready,this gives me quite a good results rate.


    Sure, but I’m expecting at that price level to be able to compose the shot I want. Not possible except for static subjects :sick

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