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Curragh Cemetery

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Curragh Cemetery

  • macman

    Taken 21st Aug 2010.

    This is actually a photomerge of around 25 shots. Hand held, manual exposures to retain consistantcy in tones (otherwise a seamless merge wouldn’t be possible).


    nice view but the sky is overexposed. why 25 shots?


    Lovely looking picture, nice and wide. I like the colours, don’t mind the blown bits of sky, didn’t really notice them till it was pointed out….
    25 shots seems a bit excessive, yea why:-)


    I like to take panoramas, taking multiple shots whilst rotating myself pretty much 180ยบ. I do this to capture as much detail and clarity as possible as I’m putting a collection together with the possibility of maybe printing in large format (very large). One could probably capture something similar in one image if one were to use a fisheye lens or similar, buy one wouldn’t come anywhere close to capturing as much detail and with far more distortion. Would really have to be seen in full high res to appreciate what I’m talking about. Here’s another one from a recent trip to West Cork… (what a stunning part of the country) This, if I recall correctly, was merged from 20 shots. The higher number of shots obviously means less of a ‘shift’ or ‘overlap’ between images which in turn makes a more seamless merge possible.

    As to the sky, this really doesn’t bother me in the least as my main focus was to capture the tones and variations in the rolling landscape.

    But I do thank you for your comments.


    I love panorama shots, and this is great because it has height as well as
    width, it would look stunning printed big. The sky does not bother me either
    there is enough detail in it without the little blown bit affecting it, and I
    would say that is exactly what it looked like to the naked eye anyway. It is
    a lovely scene, and would love to see it say at sunrise or sunset the shadows
    must be wonderful at those times. A very different cemetery, natural and
    fitting in with the landscape, not regimented rows of tombstones like most.


    I’ve looked closely and I can’t see anything looking like a cemetary at all?


    bigalguitarpicker wrote:

    I’ve looked closely and I can’t see anything looking like a cemetary at all?

    lol in fairness.. there’s plenty of crosses in the field :D


    Oh it’s a cemetaery alright. :-) Quite an old one, a military one.

    The day I took the shots someone did mention that it seemed a little ‘overgrown’. I’d never been before so really wouldn’t have know the difference, but I did like it unmanicured look. Aparently they usually allow sheep from the Curragh to graze on it and this keeps it reasonably tidy, but seemingly thay hadn’t been for a while.

    Here’s some evidence that it is actually a cemetery…! :-)

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