I have a Canon EOS Rebel X 35mm film camera. The lens is EF 35-80mm. I don’t know much about camera’s so not sure what other information i should include with my question. I want to upgrade to a digital Canon camera but was wondering if my lens from the old camera would work on a digital canon body? And if so, which camera would it work best with? It also is a manual/automatic lens if that necessary to know. Thanks for any help.
That lens will work on modern digital camera bodies. If it’s still in working order. Its an old kit lens and not worth much.
Some info here http://photography-on-the.net/forum/showthread.php?t=596522
If you buy a new camera, you’ll get a modern day kit lens. The older ones were slow and cheaply made.
The manual/Automatic, bit refers to the focusing method.