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storing photos on external hard drive

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storing photos on external hard drive

  • saber

    Hi all i have moved some photos from my laptop to an external hard drive using elements 9, using tag names and star ratings .When i want to bring them back to elements 9 it cannot find them i have to import the file myself is this normal or should elements find them when hard drive is connect. regards saber

    miki g

    Hi Saber.
    I had a similiar problem using Paintshop pro. I had to copy them into Pictures in libraries on my computer before Paintshop could find & open them. There must be an easier way, but I know f3ck all about computers. :lol:


    thanks miki g regards saber


    as far as i know you need to store the xml files aswell for the ratings, in bridge click view and show, there should be an option for the xml files aswell

    hope this helps stew

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