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Some night macro shots

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Some night macro shots

  • miki g

    I haven’t seen anyone trying out macro at night & decided to give it a go as many insects only come out at night. Was happy with some of the results. :D


    I’d imagine its tricky enough but some great shots there…what lighting did you use?

    miki g

    Thanks Mike.
    I used a ringflash for the exposures, but also had a headlight attached to the flash unit to aid focusing & to find my subjects. The headlight is also handy to find your way in the dark. :lol:


    super shots Miki. Given me some inspiration to go bug hunting :D

    miki g

    Thanks Connie. There’s still a few about waiting to pose before winter. :D


    Watch this space lol x


    Well done miki, who would have thought so many little critters would still
    be out and about in November, though it is still quite mild, good shots all :)

    miki g

    Thanks Jenny.
    The lighting from the ringflash is too harsh IMO. I will try my other flash to see if I can get more diffused light. Also some of the critters do a legger when the headlight shines on them too, so will have to try toning that down a bit, even though the insects mostly tend to ignore it. A small bit of trial & error before I manage to get it right, hopefully. :lol:

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