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Where is the best place to go…

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Where is the best place to go…

  • johnnycorcoran

    Where is the best place to drop in my films rolls (120 and 35mm) and just get negatives ONLY. (Conns, Birmingham?)
    So I can scan those negatives at home.


    From what I read on PI, Gunnes on Wexford street are the best around. Let them know we sent you if you use them ;)
    Very nice folk with lots of knowledge and always eager to help.


    Cheers I know where is it… Yeah lovely family! I will go to them later on today!
    Any idea how much? and how long? I dont go into town much…


    No idea Johnny, being in Cork I develop my own.
    I’m sure someone here on PI will know though.


    Mark wrote:

    From what I read on PI, Gunnes on Wexford street are the best around. Let them know we sent you if you use them ;)
    Very nice folk with lots of knowledge and always eager to help.

    second that

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