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Sunny 16

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Sunny 16

  • johnnycorcoran

    Wow! I never knew about sunny 16 until was messing around looking for a best tips for my film camera without a meter.
    I tried it with my canon 5d with M dial, look great but just ONE question that puzzle me.

    When doing outdoor portrait, I’m against the sun and the person back at the sun, how would it help with the shadow on this person face? If outdoor is really sunny, I will using like at 5.6 1,000sec with an iso100, then onto this portrait, does that mean I should put one stop down to take less shadow of this person?


    The sunny f16 rule generally applies when the sun is to your back – ie: everything is perfectly front lit. I also find it doesn’t work as well for digital, as digital exposure tends to vary a little from film, that’s my experience anyway.
    But as you said, it’s a great light meter that comes with every consumer grade film box – don’t recall seeing it on Velvia 50.
    You can’t beat a handheld meter for all & tricky exposures with film and for the price you can get them now, well worth the money.
    For the situation you refer to, when shooting film, that’s when you find out if you know how to expose properly, instead of chimping or whatever they call looking at the lcd on a digi body!
    Shoot some stuff, process it & learn. If you make a mistake you’ll learn quickly as it’s costing you money!


    Thank you for your reply…


    markcapilitan is correct, if you’re shooting the way you explained for a reason you could use a little fill flash or reflector to get light onto your subject, incidentally I have the sunny 16 symbols and appropriate f number tattooed on my left arm in a film strip as a quick reference.


    Any photo of your tattoo? :D


    Here’s some images off my phone, couldn’t get some of the symbols in, gonna have some more work done to the tattoo so it ends up as a full sleeve

    photo (3) by Dermot Marrey, on Flickr

    photo (2) by Dermot Marrey, on Flickr

    photo (1) by Dermot Marrey, on Flickr

    photo (4) by Dermot Marrey, on Flickr

    photo by Dermot Marrey, on Flickr


    Wow! That’s cool… Thanks for sharing

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