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Close encounters

  • Yoque

    well… i toke this picture few time ago… i’d share it yet in some spanish forums, but i really want to share with irish people, because i think you can feel more things about it, because it’s your history and you can have many diferents senses about it. anyway, you should know that i’ve done it with my bests whises, and from full respect.

    i imagin most of you know this group of statues, it’s the Famine Memorial it depicts sculptures of starving people – very thin, walking towards the ships on the docks.
    It was built in memory of those who left for another country (mostly the USA) in hope of a better life.

    tell me anything with freedom and sorry for my inglish

    Cámara NIKON D300
    Distancia focal 13mm
    Velocidad de obturación 25 sec
    Apertura f/14
    ISO/Pelicula 100


    Hola Yoque,

    I like this. A lot of the time people take this image from the front but I like the way you have taken it from behind showing the people walking towards the light of hopefully a better life………./Mikka


    Welcome to the site Yoque.
    That’s an excellent shot in my opinion. Great composition and I love the processing. Even the little bit of flare works well.


    Mikka wrote:

    Hola Yoque,

    I like this. A lot of the time people take this image from the front but I like the way you have taken it from behind showing the people walking towards the light of hopefully a better life………./Mikka

    i’d seen a lot of those, and i toke once aswell, but then i saw how i want to do… i saw the message, the b&w and just take it hehehe…
    hopefully a better life… this was my goal.

    thanks for looking and comment Mikka, it’s so nice for me if it likes you, thanks

    markclehane wrote:

    Welcome to the site Yoque.
    That’s an excellent shot in my opinion. Great composition and I love the processing. Even the little bit of flare works well.

    thanks mark!


    Superb shot Yoque. I have taken a few shots of these myself and this shot really grabs your attention and holds it. I have never seen a similar shot to this. Well done.

    These are just 2 of my shots” onclick=”;return false;” onclick=”;return false;


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