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PLaying with New filter effect

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PLaying with New filter effect


    PLaying around with new filter effect , what do you think , does it work in the context of the shots, fantasy/surreal ?

    Stories for Boys Pic 1” onclick=”;return false;


    i think it works well in the first one as its a bit more subtle, it softens the edges and gives quite a dreamy other worldly effect. quite fantasy without being over the top.

    the second one is a wee bit much for me. i quite like the house area and it works in the sky but i think to have all the mountains completely obscured doesn’t work. the filter does serve to make the world feel less sterile than it did without though. it seems more like a place that is unstable, in transition or transformation. without it looked static and empty

    so all in all yes i think it does work


    Tnks Issabella and yes I tend to agree with your comments , think I might purchase the filter……And use it selectively :-)

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