Yes I noticed that too, I dont know what causes it, it is only one exposure. I
know that can happen on multi exposure HDR but this is just one. Any idea
what caused it? I am sure it is in the processing but I dont know what I am
doing wrong.
Hi jenny , if you made a lasso selection of any type around the kiosk , it looks like you may have had the feather set too high as this would allow light from the backround to come through, hope this helps.
Hi jenny , if you made a lasso selection of any type around the kiosk , it looks like you may have had the feather set too high as this would allow light from the backround to come through, hope this helps.
Hi Clive, no lasso used, just gradient mask in lightroom, would that cause the same thing to happen
if feather was set to high? Thanks.
Hey Mark, there wasnt a lot of colour in it to begin with thats why I went b&W, I will have another look at
what I am doing. Thanks :)
Hi Jenny ,
No , dont think gradient would have caused it , I just ran a test in PS using the same type of image and no matter how much i darkened the gradient the halo did not appear , did you use the dodge tool to bring back detail on the kiosk after the grad ?