really like the 1st one niall . i can see what you mean about the light …it looks great.
im undecided about the 2nd , i kind of like it , but at the same time …… i think its to do with seeing so little of her face… but then again im not really sure if that is what it is …. :?
glad you got sorted by the way ! :D
Cheers for the comment. Know what you mean about the second one, never really sure about it myself. Was hoping she’d turn her head to the right a bit so I could catch her eye at some point and I couldn’t move either. Still, have lots of others but kept coming back to it for some reason.
In my opinion 1st photo is ok , could you explain what was reason to make your photo BW and leave one rose pink?
I used to do it, just couse i thought it is cool, now i know it was not:)
IMO the first is decent, the profile against the white of the window behind is nice.
I dont get the 2nd one at all though, sorry. Need to see some face in it.