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Old Head of Kinsale

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Old Head of Kinsale

  • denismc

    It has been photographed a million times but i thought the clouds were funky on this particular day.
    Critique welcome

    Old Head of Kinsale by denismc66, on Flickr


    I love this part of Cork, especially out around the lighthouse which I think is restricted access now unless you’re prepared to pay for a round of golf there.
    I like your image as it is, probably crop a little from the bottom to lose the blurry tuft, and a bit of cloning or spot healing to take out any other stray pieces of reeds, but these are what I’d do, you may be happy with it as is.
    You could probably get some more detail in the clouds if you play around in photoshop or elements or similar package as I think this is what drew your attention. I upgraded my filters last year and using something like 0.6 grad would definitely add to cloud definition.
    brave man to get close to the edge…there’s meant to be a JCB in the water there somewhere from the construction of the golf course!

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