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Autumn Colour in Enniscorthy. (6 images)

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Autumn Colour in Enniscorthy. (6 images)

  • 5faythe

    I am often amazed that people can walk past beautiful scenes everyday and not see them.
    I was finished a job in an Enniscorthy hotel last weekend and mentioned to the receptionist
    that I was going out to get some photographs of the lovely colour nearby.
    She asked “Where?”. Despite passing it every day she had never noticed.

    I showed her these images and she was quite stunned that she hadn’t seen the beauty around her.
    It’s too late for this year now as the leaves are all gone.

    These are all taken with my Canon 40D with a Sigma 18-200 mostly at f8. All are handheld.

    Thanks for looking.









    yes definitely autumn colours John!

    I love the colours and scenes.

    some could do with a contrast boost though


    aoluain wrote:

    yes definitely autumn colours John!

    I love the colours and scenes.

    some could do with a contrast boost though

    Hi Alan,

    Thanks for taking the time to comment.

    I know that scenes like this are hardly groundbreaking but I love to be out in the landscape with the camera.

    I’ll revisit the processing re your suggestion which is, as always, very welcome.




    Nice simplistic set John, Lighting nice in some but not great in others. Colours amazing and nicely captured and you are absolutely correct about how easily we dont see whats stars us in the face. Most likely related to the fact that we are all caught up in the rat race and fail to stop momentarily to contemplate our surroundings…..A little deep but true.


    really nice, my favorites are the frosty ones. love that contrast between warm and cold colors…


    RASMITH32 wrote:

    Nice simplistic set John, Lighting nice in some but not great in others. Colours amazing and nicely captured and you are absolutely correct about how easily we dont see whats stars us in the face. Most likely related to the fact that we are all caught up in the rat race and fail to stop momentarily to contemplate our surroundings…..A little deep but true.

    Hi Rob,

    Very observant comments on a number of levels.

    Thanks for taking the time.

    All the best,



    Isabella wrote:

    really nice, my favorites are the frosty ones. love that contrast between warm and cold colors…

    Hi Isabella,

    I thought at the time that the frost was a sign that the days were numbered for the leaves.
    Sure enough, a couple of days later they were gone.

    Many thanks for taking the time to comment.


    miki g

    Nice set John. Really like #1 of these. Lovely lighting & colours.


    Hi Miki,

    Many thanks for looking and taking the time to comment.




    Lovely colours and great compositions. #1 would be my favourite also. #3 could do with a bit of a contrast boost, otherwise it falls perfectly to the autumn category, in my opinion, nearly like a postcard :P
    If pointing fingers, #2 seems the weakest, probably due to the bright sky which ruins it for me completely,sorry. I do like the foreground and the whole idea. Reflections look good.
    Strong set otherwise :)


    sndipo wrote:

    Lovely colours and great compositions. #1 would be my favourite also. #3 could do with a bit of a contrast boost, otherwise it falls perfectly to the autumn category, in my opinion, nearly like a postcard :P
    If pointing fingers, #2 seems the weakest, probably due to the bright sky which ruins it for me completely,sorry. I do like the foreground and the whole idea. Reflections look good.
    Strong set otherwise :)

    Hi Vee,

    Thank you very much for taking the time to give such nice and comprehensive comments.

    No need to be sorry for any of of your comments either as all are most welcome.
    I have learned a lot on this site by getting just this type of reply.

    The contrast issue has been mentioned more than once so I must revisit the files with that in mind.

    The sky over Enniscorthy that morning was a bit of a disaster and I tried a few compositions to hide it as much as possible.
    I knew the weather forcast was for rain and wind later that day so a revisit was out of the question as the leaves would be gone.
    That’s my excuse etc etc… :)

    Your comments are well made and appreciated.

    All the best,


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