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New Books over Christmas

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New Books over Christmas

  • Eddie

    Got a couple of books over Christmas bot one stands out from the rest its called “here far away” Pentti Sammallahti. Its a retrospective covering nearly 50 years photography. Its unusual in that its been published in a number of countries simultaneously in various languages. Dewi Lewis is publishing the English version. Quality of reproduction is first class as you would expect from Dewi Lewis and the images are amazing covering all styles of photography, even a few Irish images, all are mono. I have seen this on a number of best book listings for 2012 so get a copy as soon as you can. If you cant get an English version you could try the European Amazon stores. Very Highly recommended.

    Any other recommendations.


    I’ll keep an eye out for that, Eddie. Sounds good.


    I got two books on female photographers. The life of Margaret Burke-White by Christopher Anderson which I’m enjoying reading and Jane W. Shackleton’s ‘Ireland’ which has images from all around Ireland from the late 1800″s. Both worth getting.


    thefizz wrote:

    I got two books on female photographers. The life of Margaret Burke-White by Christopher Anderson which I’m enjoying reading and Jane W. Shackleton’s ‘Ireland’ which has images from all around Ireland from the late 1800″s. Both worth getting.

    Ah crap !… :evil:

    I only got a jumper for christmas. :cry:


    Was given Peter Cox’s new book and was impressed with it.

    Got some amazon vouchers so I’m off to search for that book Eddie :)


    Got a very nice book called Photography,the full story. It’s basically the history from back in the 1800’s up to now,well,it’s published 2012 so I assume now. The funny thing is, I’m only twenty or so pages in and I’m reading about Daguerreotype and cyanotype and yet if you have a browse on flicker or whatever there is still people doing the same thing, nearly 200 years later. There’s over one thousand images in it so it promises to be a good read,certainly looks interesting so far.


    I get a photography book every year !

    this year I got “Fantastic Plastic Cameras” a guide to toy cameras!

    I also bought the filmwasters collaboration book which has 2 of my pics in.
    really good images in it.

    i was looking at one of Annie Leibovitz’ books in easons over christmas, might get that
    sometime . . . cant remember the title ?

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