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Homepage Forums Photo Critique Landscape Glendalough.

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  • colgo2212

    It has been a long time since I have posted up a photo for critique. Was out the other day at Glendalough with Steve (aka Ossie13) and this was the best that I got (I know that this type of photo has been done to death), thank God for digital as the other 100 or so were utter c**p. Any C&C would be most welcome, but please be gentle :wink:.

    On a side note I have hardly turned the camera on at all this year let alone taken any photos which is an absolute disgrace but I blame my Irish rheumatism (lazyness) for that, so my new years resolution is to at least turn the camera on once a week!

    Thanks in advance,



    It has been a long time Niall, and yes this would be a popular scene at Glendalough, but at
    least the sun was shining for you, I always find the light very hard there, with either one side of the valley
    or the other getting the light, but hardly ever both! But at least it got you out and about again, maybe
    time for a gathering to get some Christmas lights? I have been saying it every year but never get there! :D


    Thanks Jenny. I am up for a gathering, I have tried twice this year to get an outing going but they fell at the first hurdle as there was very little interest (I know that you put your name down for the Botanic gardens but you where the only one apart from Steve). Would love to have a meet up and get some Christmas lights.


    Great I will put something up in events, try and get a few willing bodies!


    Hi Niall,

    The composition is fine and the still water makes for the perfect reflection.

    In my opinion – Glendalough is best shot in and around 2 short time windows – Sunrise in late October or late February – when the sun is coming from behind your view point….and obviously on a calm day.

    Here is the next ideal time.,-6.3444,14/2014.02.23/23:18



    Brendan, thanks for the taking time to comment and for the info. As you can see from my photo the mountains on my left-hand side were causing the shadows half way down on the right, this photo was taken at approx 2ish on December 1st (note to self must get Steve out of bed earlier). That sun calc app looks the business for landscape photography. Thanks again for the comments and info.


    very nice, calm waters and good light always offer up
    good opportunities for good images.

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