Thanks Jen. I went from a D50 to this. I did a lot of research before I bought this and I was not disappointed with it. Great camera and as one review said “when you are not taking photographs you can hammer nails in with it, its that well built….” :)
I was the intended victim of an elaborate scam by the “Nigerian Navy” :) so beware of someone offering to buy your for sale item and offering to pay by paypal and prepared to pay over the odds for delivery to ANPOST registered to “their son for xmas. You don’t get the Nigerian address until the very end when they say they have paid by Paypal and to check your spam folder for the Paypal emails. Sure enough there was 3 emails there. I forwarded them on to Paypal security.
It could be a bad xmas for someone to lose their camera and also have their Paypal account hacked by James Brown an officer in the Nigerian navy. :)