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One from my new location

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One from my new location

  • steelydan

    Built a bird table in the countryside, away from my own garden (I seem to attract nothing but Starlings)

    Fed it every second day for the past two weeks, and nothing showed for the first week, then the birds appeared , a mixture of Great Tit, Blue Tit, Robin , Dunnock and today a Goldfinch, also, what I thought was a female Blackbird, which turned out to be a Male in its first year.

    Here’s a shot of the Blackbird.

    miki g

    Nicely done John. Looks like you’ve found a good location.


    Very nice John, the perch really looks the business. That should give plenty of good opportunities if you keep at it.



    Thanks Miki and Dave, its a rotted root I found in October in the Mahon Falls, light as a feather but plenty crevices and hiding holes to put food. Might have to make a few modifications as the front piece on the left of the photo seems to be a hiding place for 70% of the birds (that’s where the food is) so lots of missed opportunities.
    Its a work in progress , but better then sitting in a hide full of Starling Sh**te, and watch them gobble up all the feed in 15 minutes.


    lovely shot and nice perch


    Nice to have a place to go to, for the birds and you! That is something I
    am going to do in the new year, sort out the feeders and put some more
    attractive perches around, good luck with it and I hope you get some
    nice birds visiting.

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