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Out and About in Dublin

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Out and About in Dublin

  • markst33

    Its been a long time since (I had any time:) ) I did any street photography, but yesterday morning I had to go into town so I brought the camera along and got these shots


    I might have removed the ‘Le’ from the lower portion of the canopy but lovely shots!


    Cheers John, I am not too sure what the correct protocol is for Street photography. I tend to veer towards the belief that apart from converting to mono you are supposed to represent the image pretty much as you saw it. Maybe I am wrong. You are correct that removing the Le would look better alright though :)


    I like #3 the best from this selection as it is a head on shot whereas the other two are of people’s backs and I don’t think these are as interesting.

    #2 may have been better had you taken a couple of steps to your right to get the reflected faces of the subjects in the window.

    Regarding removing the “Le”, this could have been done before you pressed the shutter button by stepping forward or to the left but in my opinion there are no correct protocols for street photography – just do what makes sense to you.


    markst33 wrote:

    Cheers John, I am not too sure what the correct protocol is for Street photography. I tend to veer towards the belief that apart from converting to mono you are supposed to represent the image pretty much as you saw it. Maybe I am wrong. You are correct that removing the Le would look better alright though :)

    It’s only a small point Mark, nothing too critical. As I said they are lovely shots!
    What did you use/do in the processing?


    Mono conversion with Nik Efex and sharpening in PS


    great shots! I have to take my own tour only looking for some spare time:)

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