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Wild Seas

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Wild Seas

  • markst33

    A mono of Kinard Sea stack taken from Kinard Beach on the Dingle Peninsula in Co Kerry. I was at a landscape photography workshop with John Hooton (thoroughly recommend it) with 12 other from the club back in April. Got my wellies filled up twice by the sea to get this. The tide comes in really fast in this neck of the world and always when you least expect it Smile

    I decided to go with mono landscapes as everyone else was producing colour shots and I wanted to have something different. A lot of painstaking effort has gone in removing lots and lots of smaller stones which littered the beach and just leaving the large one there to add a point of interest in the foreground.

    I used an ND and also an ND grad to stop the sky getting blown out and also to get some movement in the water and clouds.


    Your photo has a lot of drama in it, but in my opinion it is weakened by the amount of empty beach in the picture. The beach is inclined to hold the viewers eye while all the action is taking place in the upper portion of your photo. Despite all your hard work I would recommend that you crop out a lot of the beach to change the format of your picture to a letterbox shape. I would leave only a tiny area visible, just between those 2 stones and the tide on the RHS. Try it and see what you think.


    I would agree with Tex. It also to my eye at least needs to be leveled out?

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