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Beginner looking for information

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Beginner looking for information

  • Byrnew

    Hello ,
    I am looking to get into photography as a hobbie. Looking to take photos of landscape when I’m out and nature ect. Could anyone advice me on a decent camera to start off with. I was looking at theCanon EOS M50 + 15-45mm Lens + 32GB 4K Card & Case KIT . Would anyone know if this would be suitable or is there a better option out there for the price range of these. Also would that lense be efficient for what I’m talking about using it for or will I need to be investing in more lenses.

    Thanks in advance


    Check out a few cameras if you can. Feel them in your hand. weigh them up. Check the balance. It all helps. But BEWARE. One lens is never enough


    Thanks for the reply I’d do that. And regarding the lense I was afraid someone would say that ;-)


    Hi Wayne

    Although one lens probably won’t be enough.  I would suggest that you start with one prime lens.  Maybe a 35 f2.8 or  28 f2.8.  When I was starting off I found that this helped to focus (pun intended) on the subject more.  Use your feet as your zoom.

    Virtually any camera brand now produces great results.  Have you considered second hand?


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