I was going to buy a lighting kit ,but it was costing the same as a good flash so I didn’t bother.
Has anyone tried to make anything at home to substitute studio lighting ,my first thoughts were a piece of material in front of a strong light.
I have a small hama light box thing that does natural light shots ,but I’d like some more freedom ,any ideas ??
cheers for the link fajitas ,they look like great little yokes ,especially the battery one.
I don’t think i could handle them though ,wouldn’t be able to meter properly or get the same shadows all the time.
I could picture using the battery ones outside in a garden when trying to photo cats or something. :twisted: :P
It will be mostly for shots of objects ,something stable would suit me better.
It’s not a flash I was thinking of ,I was thinking more of creating a mood or blank canvas.
If i buy anymore stuff ,I’m going to have to go see a doctor or something .
I’d love to get the 580 flash and diffuse it for product and object shots, what will I want when i buy it though ???