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Ballycotton ’10’ 2015.

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Ballycotton ’10’ 2015.

  • Seaview

    I captured these at the Ballycotton ’10’ at the weekend, I used my Canon 7D and my new Sigma 70 – 200mm f2.8. I’m a bit disappointed with the results as a lot of the images are soft, I don’t think it’s a shutter speed issue as I generally kept it fairly high. I used single point focusing in Al servo mode. The below images seem to be okay but I still think I should be getting sharper images.








    Comments most welcome.



    What ISO did you use Dave?


    Thanks for looking and commenting John, ISO was at 200. I could of gone for 100 but it was clouding over every so often.



    Those images look fine.

    Maybe your lens is the fault. Sigma can be good or soft.

    Personally, for stuff like this, I would shoot f/4, 1/1600 and then pick the right ISO for it.

    But, it doesn’t look like a slow shutter issue.


    Seaview wrote:

    Thanks for looking and commenting John, ISO was at 200. I could of gone for 100 but it was clouding over every so often.


    I think that may have been your issue Dave. I’m no expert in this field but I do a little horse racing photography at our local
    track & although the horses may be a little quicker than your subjects I would always set it at ISO 800.
    I’m not shooting with a 7D either so maybe your camera is more advanced than mine & maybe it doesn’t warrant such a setting?


    Thanks for the comments lads, I don’t think my camera (canon 7D) would handle very good at ISO 800, it would produce a lot of noise. The images above were really all I got from shooting around 900 images, the light was reasonably okay so as Paul said I don’t think it’s a slow shutter speed problem. The below image, which isn’t too bad is still not as sharp as I was hoping to achieve. I’m a bit concerned that the lens is a soft copy but I assume if I’m getting a couple of sharp images did that isn’t the problem, maybe I need to give it a chance as I’ve only used it a few times yet. :?

    Shot settings. Shutter speed, 1/800, Aperture f6.3, ISO 200 and focal length 70mm. Single point focus on her left cheek.


    Hi Dave, Did you try Back Button Focus and AI Servo Mode. I find it works a treat for these kind of events. Pick a subject, press and hold the BBF button and all the shutter release button does it take the shot, no refocusing. If you are using the shutter release button as focus and take the shot in standard AF mode there can be a lag and the subject will have moved just that little bit to make them soft…Mick


    Hi Mikka, I started using the back button a few years ago. I don’t think I could do it any other way now, definitely one of the most important pieces of advice that I have ever been given.



    Hi Dave, that last image looks fairly soft alright, can’t see it properly on tablet to see if any other part of her is in sharp focus. Might be front or back focusing? You could do a test to see if it was. Set up a row of coins, screws nails clothes pegs whatever, in a straight line at an angle to the camera mark the one you are actually focusing on and check on screen to see if it’s nailing the focus or not. I don’t know if Canon,’s have focus fine tune or not. Might be worth checking.


    Super Derek, will try that tomorrow and I’ll let you know how it goes.

    Thanks, Dave.


    My 7D was front focusing on 4 of my lenses when i had it first, I thought it was a camera problem until i read that you “might have to” Micro Adjust some lenses to the camera. Hang on a minute…. After paying that much for a camera, now I have to fine tune it!!! Fine tuned the said lenses and the camera recognised the lens when i put it on, then adjusted it .

    What ever happened to a camera you just bought, and stuck a lens on it and had no issues.


    What ever happened to a camera you just bought, and stuck a lens on it and had no issues.

    Probably never existed, might just be our ability to pixel peep that’s allowed us to be super critical. Or maybe the expense of our gear gives us the right to be. I don’t know. :roll:


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