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Giraffe Fota

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Giraffe Fota

  • steelydan

    Just testing to see if the image appears


    Interesting photo with unusual ‘frame’.
    I like it. Maybe you should have the same starting point on the right side as in the left.


    Nicely captured! Roberto’s idea is a good one… crop a bit on the right so it mirrors the left. I never could get an interesting Giraffe shot down there. Guess I wasn’t looking hard enough. A slight (1 degree maybe) rotation of the borizon mightn’t be bad either. You were probably level (there’s a slope there) but it throws the eye off when you have no reference point as you would at the location itself.

    Looks like the two in the front might have been rutting…. males bash their necks against each other to gain dominance over the herd. It can easily last for half an hour.


    thanks for the Suggestions Roberto and Aidan, I’ll have a go at the fixes and post the result


    Heres the fixed version


    It looks perfect!
    Very nice shot.


    Great shot Steely.


    VERY nice job on the crop …. well done :)

    If you can- maybe clone out that twig on the left side.. ??



    Nice one with the shot and the crop. Fota is only down the road from me. This shot and the previous cheetah shots have got me motivated to bother to go there. Haven’t been there in over ten years.


    Thanks Guys ans Gals for the comments and suggestions.
    Fota is a great place as I prefer to see the animals out in enclosures rather then cages with concrete floors.Even if its ten years then all the more reason to get there.If its only down the road and you are into wildlife then a season pass is not that expensive and it covers Dublin Zoo and Fota


    Super. Love it. Lorraine might be right about the branches hanging from the feeder in the back.

    Griangraf: It’s well worth calling over there. The light I had under the trees in the Cheetah enclosures was the best I’ve ever had, anywhere. And this was at 15:00 on a fairly decent day. There could have easily been 10 cats on display there which gives you lots of oppurtunities. There’s some Oryx calves sprinting around opposite them and that really gets them all worked up and pacing, just itching to chase. Give it another month or so and you’ll also have a large wild bird population migrating/landing in the lake in the back of the park.

    I was originally hoping to get to Kenya’s Mara next spring but thought it would have to wait due to budget … this last trip got me itching to go back over to Africa …. even typing this has me worked up.

    If you’re new to shooting wildlife and would like to improve then zoo stuff is great practice. You learn how to compose on the fly and that you have to predict what the animal is going to do next. I do it as much as I can so I can make the most of those rare wild moments.


    Second crop is absolutely excellent, really shows off the image. Terrific capture.

    John Dunne
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