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Her Majesty

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Her Majesty

  • Roberto

    Hi Roberto,
    You had a tough fight with this photo. The hardest thing I find with Swans is the exposure. You fight to underexpose so you can capture some feather detail but you end up losing somewhere else. I think this happened here. The eyes are completely in shadow and are lost… getting the eyes in shot is key.

    To make the most of this I’de consider a boost in lighting of the neck/head, cloning out the ripples in bottom left and maybe even going b/w. I’m in a whole b/w phase right now so consider ignoring that last bit if not everything :D


    Thanks Aidan, for the comment.
    I have b&w version but the eye area is too dark. About cloning and boosting…..
    I know how can be improved the photo in darkroom but by software …. I need to learn a lot.

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