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Willow Warbler

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Willow Warbler

  • griangraf

    A number of shots of a Willow Warbler from the spring. C & C Advice welcome




    My favourite is number 3 because the composition and colours.


    I’d be in agreement with Roberto on number three here; lovely dof, composition and colour. You might try sharpening just a little more and increasing contrast slightly. Lovely image.



    Nice shots. I like no. 1 best.

    I think you’ll find it’s a sedge warbler, not a willow warbler.



    I also prefer number 3 because of its background does not look too busy ..Nice shot


    Looks like you had a tough time with the light. The noise demons were battling with you on this shoot. I know all too much about that unfortunately. Didn’t even bother taking the camera out this weekend because of conditions despite the feeders being busier than the M50 and a case of Greenfinch familty fued going on.

    I’m with Pete on this one. In #1, The bird has retained detail, there’s no blown out areas, it’s sharpened nicely but most importantly for wildlife… you got some light in the eye. It looks alive.

    I’m kinda partial to the last one too. I’ve composed more than a few like that one. It’s nicely exposed, again light in the eye and the bird is doing or watching something.

    #2: It feels over sharpened and the noise demons really beat you up on it. I hate noise but it comes with the territory in this country. The bird is looking away, but that might be a minor thing because again, you got the eye.

    The eye is the only thing I can find lacking in #3. Nothing you could have done given the light. Maybe a tiny selection of part of the eye and boost the light via levels to give it a white spot might fake some light?


    Hi all,

    Thanks so much for the advice and comments. You’re dead right about the sharpening and what not. These were taken with a 350D and a 70-300mm Sigma. Not the sharpest or highest of quality of lens. Therefore they are oversharpened in places. The light that day was not the greatest either and to be honest I was pointing and shooting these shots. I had no hide or anything as organised. Just went for a walk with the camera in my local woods.

    Once again,


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