I agree with Roberto on the first shot jools, i think the older building is really taking away from the new structure. There’s definitely a shot there so it wuld
be worth your while shooting again. I love the second, like something you would se in a brochure or the launch of a new building. Post processing makes is slightly surreal looking which i like.
Thanks Ali. It is a single building rather than two! I have taken a lot of shots of it over the last couple of years as I find it intriging. I think the architects are Andrzej Wejchert and Danuta Kornaus-Wejchert who also designed the shopping centre.
Here’s a couple I took with an old rangefinder camera on Fujifilm.
Ali is right about the second photo. It gives me surrealistic feeling, nice.
The other two are interesting.
On the third photo the horizon level needs to be adjusted. It’s failing down on left side.