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10.30 at Shillelagh…and the village is definately...

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10.30 at Shillelagh…and the village is definately awake!

  • Alan Rossiter

    This is the former courthouse at Shillelagh, Co. Wicklow. We (Lousy, nfl and myself) were on a world tour and I stopped here to capture this clock – it would look good in B&W says I. So we pottered around for a few minutes then one of the locals came up to me. The conversation went like this:

    -What are you taking photos of?
    -Ah, just the clock, it looks well, doesn’t it?
    -Why are you photographing it?
    -We were just passing through and it looked well…
    -Where are you from?
    -Wexford town…
    -Would you like it if we photographed your home?

    This was the moment that the red flag and the bull made their aquaintance. So, after explaining my rights she explained thet her husband had gone through 5 strokes and was going to Dublin the following day and was upset and the sight of someone with a feck-off camera drove him to send the wife out to harrass the would-be terrorist. After a few minutes when I explained that we’re not developers, or people wanting to sell images she was all talk about the village, the height of the paths, Charlie Haugheys visit to stop the trees from being cut down, the 2 churches, etc, etc, etc [yawn], etc.
    In hindsight she was actually concerned that we were photographing her village, not just her house. And if anyone knows of the guy from the North that does the aerial photography and sells photos for €250 let him know that Shillelagh is a no fly zone!
    Another passerby informed me that last year when the clock was being repaired 2 drunks climbed the scaffold and robbed the fox on top of the wind vane. “The police, and everything were called”. Does anyone remember the episode where a whistle was robbed on Fr Ted? Echoes rebounded around Shillelagh.

    Anyway…10.30 in Shillelagh…wonkas first, and last, venture outside the county of Wexford.



    I suppose ‘Dueling Banjos’ wouldn’t be out of place as a soundtrack…
    Nice picture Alan-
    good conversion too-

    I suppose she has a point though-
    it is a local clock, for local people-

    And giving the time of day to a stranger is a bit much-

    I wonder how many other strokes you’ve caused with that big camera of yours?


    Alan Rossiter

    I wonder how many other strokes you’ve caused with that big camera of yours?

    :lol: :lol:

    It’s a Sony, remember? Small, compact, tidy…with a Bigma. Bet you wouldn’t go down with your large format! There’d be a lynching. :shock:

    Other pieces of trivia…
    -One of only 3 Cork trees in Ireland reside there
    -The clock was repaired by a guy from the UK last year
    -The footbridge was built on the aforementioned villagers land so that the wheelchairs could cross the river
    -Charlie landed by helicopter in Fairview to stop the 2 boyos from Cork from cutting down the oak trees
    -The paths were lowered to stop the wheelchairs from falling off the edge of them
    -30% of the nations speed ramps are in Shillelagh (observation, not information)
    -Dracula went to school there (ask nfl)



    Priceless thread…

    A fine image Alan, and a lovely story to go with it.

    Whistle theft… tee hee.



    Super story had fun reading it, some people are strange

    Nice composition and good conversion to b+w, very nice pic, nice and simple



    Wonderful story and photo Alan,Remind me not to go on the PI outing to Wexford :lol: :lol: Dont suppose she would want a copy for her wall??Free of charge i might add, keep in with the locals :lol: :lol:


    I’m a bit late on this but worth a comment as it made me chuckle.

    Perhaps we should organise a PI outing to Shillelagh! It sounds like an interesting place. I have visions of us descending en-masse, and enacting a scene similar to the one in the (new) ‘thomas crown affair’… photographers everywhere – that would really cause concerns.

    Nice shot by the way – More New England than old Wicklow.


    Thanks be to God I didn’t travel with you three “trouble makers”. I just can’t let you out on your own. tut, tut, tut. A good shot, in spite of the hassle you gave the good lady. By the way steely Shillelagh is “goatsucker” territory Wickla, not Wexford. Mike :lol: :lol:

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