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12 apostles – first HDR mage!

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12 apostles – first HDR mage!

  • Owen28

    As a beginner I am hoping you could give me some comments on this post.
    This is my first attemt on a HDR image, it seems to be a some what controversial topic on PI, but I wasn’t happy with the non edited image, so I had a crack at editing the RAW file (with help from a PS Elements book). So any suggestions are appriciated. Is it better or worse or could I have gone another route etc…
    Also wondering which looks better the colour or the B&W.



    Black and White

    Hi Owen, welcome in the HDR world. It will take some time until you find out how to balance this tool between artificial crazyness and a more impressiv realistic touch.

    some suggestions:

    -i would straight the horizon
    -the composition, dynamic of the waves and the colour potencial of this image are fantastic
    – the first one is a kind of boring without details in the shadow, the second one is intersting but overtuned with colours/contrast and an irritating nightsky
    – the b&w transforming looses details in the blacks

    I think this is a fantastic image for colour, i do like no2 a lot but it needs ajustment. Brighten up the whole image and especially the sky, take of the white point in the sky. In the moment, no2 looks like an artistical interpretation – not sure if this was your goal. It has not a realistical touch. Which program do you use?

    All together: a very beatuiful image of australia and with the right adjustments and hdr balance you will have a fantastic image. The white wave line makes it very special to me.


    Hi Madeleine

    Thanks for your comments. I had a go again with your comments in mind, and I think it looks a little better.
    I think you are correct, this will take a lot of practice to get natural looking images.




    not sure how to post an image when posting a reply. so I will have to attach it

    What do you think about that?


    The hand of the master Madeleine nice one


    Hi Madeleine

    That looks much, much better. Thank a mill
    Did you have to do much more with the second image posted.
    I will have to get practicing, could you recommend books, tutorials etc that could help me improve.



    as madeleine said number 2 is best of all ,,, she also has the magic touch on HDR processing
    hopefully she could post a tutorial on the art of hdr
    well done dc

    ps Madeleine if you read this any tips or links to help us along.

    i better don’t write a tutorial with my wild english.
    In your case: i just brighted it up a little bit, straight horizon, cleaned the dull colours in PS. That is just possible because a HDR image is very rich of detail although you may don’t see it (your image).

    Actually i didn’t read anything, i just tried many options and combinations of Photomatix as possible until the result is close to my memory.
    The biggest beginner mistake is, that they overtune the tonemapping (first adjustment at the top), colours get dull, a layer of grey appears…. i usually stay away of it or use it very carefully.
    Very often i don’t use the Tonemapping tool, I use the “fusion” tool which creates more realistic results, but that doesn’t work for every light condition.
    Very important as well: after using Photomatix, you still have a baby image……it has to go through different phootoshop adjustments like contrast and colour adjustment to get back the clarity.

    In Landscape Photography, HDR is a big problem because it doesn’t allow movement and wind, water, trees are doing their own thing. I started to think “HDR” which means, that i just go out with my camera on those special days. The bad side of HDR is, that you spend tones of hours in front of your computer. GD Filters are another options but they have their limits as well. Very often i merge a HDR with a GD filter image and a simple exposure to get satisfying results.

    Anyway, try to control the enthusiasm about the strong colours and tune them back to healthy reality. Otherwise HDR is a great tool for artistical interpretations and creations. I am glad that this thechnology appeared because (used in a controlled way) it overcomes the limitation of cameras

    This is a good example: to translate this magical moment into a digital image i used tonemapping, fusion, photoshop adjustments….all together it took me 5 houres to take care of the fragile pixels and i am veeery happy with the result because it comes impressiv close to the see experience. Well the star bust is the fault of my wide angle lense (;

    Good luck and practise


    Madeleine, great example of how to use HDR technology (software) properly. And I wouldn’t worry too much about the “wild english” in your tutorial. People will figure it out, so get writing!! I for one know I could get use out of it.


    hi madeleine thanks for taking the time to write the tutoral new camera coming next week 40d so good excuse to get out and about your passion for photography out beats us all,, 5 hour’s at one hdr but you acchieved the end result well done
    thanks dc

    owen sorry for taking over your posting

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