A lower viewpoint might have helped to minimise the distractring background,
also if you could have made the bckgrnd a bit darker perhaps, to make the table stand out more?
Then start experimenting with DOF.
But you may have different ideas. :)
My eyes were drawn to the bottom right where the table weaves seem to be more interesting (damaged or something). Macro photography fascinates me, so I like this. I agree with Pixelle about the background (table legs), if they were a bit more out of focus or darker it would make the weave stand out more.
An interesting subject for a first post. I agree with the lads about the distracting background & the suggestion of a lower viewpoint. Perhaps shooting it at tabletop level could help & would be good to experiment with different aperture settings to get the DOF just right. It could be a good abstract shot if the legs of the table were hidden from view. Well done