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2 Different shots for C&C

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2 Different shots for C&C

  • Brian

    Hi All,

    I’ve been taking photos for a few months now, and would like to hear your opinions on these two shots. I’ve gotten some nice praise from various people on these photos but I’d love to know what you think,



    Both nicely composed and certainly interesting Brian.

    You’ve done well to control the exposure in the first – I assume there was quite a bit of shadow recovery going on? Really like the light on the trees on the right and the ivy leading up the wall. The road leads you in nicely. There may be a little bit too much flare on the sun?

    The second is the most interesting, looks full of detail is well composed and very well lit.. I don’t know if I like the selective colouring or not? I would heve to see the image without it to decide. I guess it gives it a bit of extra interest, but it’s a pretty strong image as it is so I am not sure if it needs it. I would probably crop a little off the top and leave it without the colour.

    However if you’ve only been at this ‘a few months’ you’re definately on the right track.



    As above, also is a bit of CW rotation needed in #2?


    Hi Brian,
    Definitely the second one for me, love the colors and atmosphere, really well done :!:
    Would you mind sharing your camera steup.


    Two great shots – the second one for me – love the colours..
    Is this HDR?


    The second one is a cracker, i would’nt touch it at all, its perfect (sorry pixelle)

    The tones and earthy colours are really different. well composed.

    The first one is really goot too the colours are great and a good array of them,
    but there is a lot of blue/red abberation in a lot of the picture, which takes from them.
    shadow control is good too. and again the composure is good.



    …maybe lose the orange window too.


    Thanks everyone for your comments.

    There was a good bit of PP done on these in Lightroom (not HDR), they weren’t very impressive before that! The first one in particular took a lot of “fiddling”. It was fairly underexposed to begin with.

    I did a few different versions of the second one, I had a B&W version that I liked too but I went with this one in the end. No filters used at the time or anything like that, just lots of PP.

    the second one is a star!….not sure about the red window. Don’t understand the message or graphical impact of it. You have to descide what you would like to focus: the lonlyness or the brown saturation with colour hightlights. But that just works when there is a sense behind? Can i ask why did you colour the window (:

    First one: the pixel suffer and scream. the light is very good in it but the base of the image didn’t allow to go so far because underexposed.
    i would try it again with the same location and a good timing for great clouds sunset because the composition is wonderful.


    Hi Madeline,

    thanks for the reply! In the first one, I selectively desaturated all colour except red, which left the red colour around the window that was already there (I didn’t paint it on or anything :D ) I’m not sure why, I just thought it looked nice, no real meaning behind it!

    I will definitely go back and try the first one again, I’m sure I could capture it better and it’s only down the road which is a bonus!


    I like the orange window, it adds a sense of warmth to an otherwise
    cold feeling in the picture and commands attention the what may be one of the
    most important feature in the image . . . the ruin.


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