I love using film and I’m getting to love it more and more.. so much, that I don’t even use my D200 too much lately. I like the portraits and people photos from my Mamiya 7, but it’s almost useless when I would need precise composition and perspective control for architecture or interiors for example.
After making a bit of a research I found that what I would like is a view camera with roll film holder for 6×12, 6×9, 6×7 formats, large field of view, tilt and shift capability and compact design. Something like a Crown Graphic or Linhof Technika with a roll film holder or a Cambo Wide, Fotoman 45PS or Silverstri. Prices are of course climbing high in the latter cases. I would try to avoid using sheet film for now, just to keep the costs down a bit.
The big problem is that I have no chance to try these before purchase, so I would need some advice from you who may have experience with similar setups.
Any ideas where should I search, what are my options?