The first one is the choice shot for me, followed by the last. Afraid that the middle one does nothing for me, really.
Love the lighing on the first one. Care to share? I’m assuming these were taken in a light tent?
Love the grainy feel to the shots too. Did you add this in post processing?
Could definately see the top and bottom shot in a gallery somewhere – I saw an exhibition a few months ago where a guy had taken shots like this of his whole life, documenting his breakfast, his bed, his work colleagues etc – was really interesting to see someones whole life in pictures!
Lighting was the same for all 3, Tim, flash head and big softbox about 3 foot over my head angled down towards the objects; didn’t use the flash, just the modelling light which gave me about 60th sec at f4 at 100ISO…didn’t worry about the colour cast cos i knew what I wanted to use them for as far as post processing goes. The ‘table’ is a flexible perspex sheet about 8′ x 4′ which curves from horizontal to vertical at the back. Think it was expensive, but as I didn’t buy it I’m not worried ;) Still, it’s more than paid for itself over the years.
Lots of sharpening, colour tweekages and noiseyness during post-processing.
I love them individually and as a set, the only minor problem I have is with the reflection in the last one. I didn’t see it at first and then, once I noticed it, I couldn’t stop seeing it. I just find it a little distracting. The corner shadows in the first one are quite different to those in the other two, is this intentional?