Nice shots. really like the orchid and the dog. Just curious about your light sources for both those shots – particularly with the power out??
Mind sharing? I’m just using inbuilt flash at the moment endeavour not to use it as much as possible, unfortunately i’M not able to get up before the sun sets!!
The power was out during the day.
Well for the orchid – it was sitting in the bay window. behind the orchid was the the main window and it was at an angle that the sky was behind the flowers.
The dog loves to lay in the sun coming in the window. After the storm had passed the sun came out and he was looking toward the sun. And I snapped. What you don’t see is the other dog I cropped out who was shaking his head and all blurry as I was using a longer exposure time.
I actually like the 3rd, there is something, i dont know . . .3D
to it. the lighting and reflection are great, and the dust on the barell
is brilliant.