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A few quickies from today

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A few quickies from today

  • miki g

    Just out for an hour today as I haven’t been shooting for over a month now due to dizzy spells. Was disappointed that it became very windy. :(


    Hey miki, thought you had been very quiet lately! Hope you are feeling loads better
    and good to see you posting again, when you compare the first and second pictures you can
    see why everyone dislikes flies :shock: The hover is so pretty and CLEAN looking and the
    fly is just :sick

    miki g

    Thanks Jenny.
    Nearly forgot how to use the camera it’s been so long, but feeling a bit better now. Yeah, have to agree the fly isn’t really an attractive type of guy. :lol: :lol:


    Hi Miki,

    Didn’t know you were unwell.
    I hope, as indicated above, you are feeling better.
    All my best wishes.

    I’m no expert on this type of photography but I can imagine the difficulty
    in producing images like this.

    1 and 2 look really good to me.
    #2 shades it in my mind.
    It’s an excellent uncluttered composition.
    Nice use of selective focussing.

    Well done.


    miki g

    Thanks John.
    It was a bit of bummer not being able to go off the beaten track for a while & still a bit shakey at times balance-wise, but feeling much better. Yeah, it can be difficult enough to get a decent shot when shooting macro, but the breeze was my biggest problem today. Very hard to get the focus right, but good to be back. Cheers. :D


    Hi Miki, sorry to hear you’ve been feeling unwell. Glad you’re making a recovery and by the standard of these images it hasn’t affected your macro photography. :D


    miki g

    Thanks Dave. I decided to take it easy, so didn’t stay out too long. The strong gusts were wrecking my head anyway. :lol: :lol:


    Hi Miki,

    do you mind me asking what equipment you were using to capture these shots?

    Thanks, Alfa

    miki g

    Hi Alfa.
    I used a Canon 7D, 60mm lens & Canon ringflash.


    great macros miki

    miki g
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