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A man, deep in reflection

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A man, deep in reflection

  • Alan Rossiter

    Always trying out techniques to corrupt an original image into something completely different than what was seen, I played with this one. I normally go for a low contrast image when converting but I faffed around with B&W conversion, levels, Lab mode B&W conversion and a lot of dodging & burning on this to produce “A man, deep in reflection”. It wouldn’t take a trained eye to realise he’s on a phone but come on, I’m setting an atmosphere here! :roll:
    Taken on Dublins O’Connell St late July on the day that summer went Nah-Nah-Ne-Nah-Nah.



    Wonderful photo Alan,
    …except for (imho) the guy.

    I think the toning is great, the composition too, – a close up on the window might be great too as the window is really interesting.
    The architecture brought out by the processing is so elegant, but then there is the dude in cargo pants and a high-vis vest, with his car keys.
    I guess if it was someone just walking down the street, it would not subtract, but here you have to examine him, he is on centre stage.

    But I can see how this contrast would make this interesting for others.
    As usual very well executed.



    Geat shot!

    I have to say, I love the segmented reflection(s) in the window and I think the contrast works well with it.
    Only problem for me is that my eye keeps being drawn away from the window to the guy… and he’s not nearly as interesting!



    Like this – the inclusion of the man is fundamental in making it work and the b&W focuses the image on the geometry. You’ve also got the vertivals spot on (zoom or some perspective work?).


    Hey Alan,

    Absolutely brilliant.

    I love the processing and the contrast is simply perfect.
    I love also the fact that it is perfectly symmetrical and because of this
    i think its too centered kind of, if that guy had taken two steps left or right
    it would have been better
    as it is its interesting the fact that everything IS centered

    Well done nicely captured


    The tones are excellent, and for me the window reflections make the shot, I’d rather see it without the guy

    AK Carlow

    Still_ill wrote:

    The tones are excellent, and for me the window reflections make the shot, I’d rather see it without the guy

    The man works for me. I would perhaps crop a bit left and right to loose the reflections there.



    Nice, but the guy seems to be more on the phone than in a deep reflective state of mind.

    Alan Rossiter

    It wouldn’t take a trained eye to realise he’s on a phone but come on, I’m setting an atmosphere here!

    Ah yes, the phone! :lol:

    So it’s 4 for the guy, 2 against, 1 undecided. For what it’s worth the shot was taken because the guy was there, not the window. With B&W processing it’s not always the centre of attention that becomes the centre of attention afterwards as this guy was.

    You’ve also got the vertivals spot on (zoom or some perspective work?).

    Well, I don’t have a square format camera so this was a crop. With the crop I had to make the balance right so stretched the image horizontally and then to straighten it I used the transform tool in PS…several times.

    I would perhaps crop a bit left and right to loose the reflections there

    I tried that and it felt too enclosed, too cramped. There was more window showing but this lost the attention of the main window so I had to loose some of it.

    Thanks for all the comments.


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