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A new amateur from Limerick!!

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A new amateur from Limerick!!

  • Miguel_Angel

    Hi there!

    Firstly, apologizes for my english, I’m still studying it and building it up as fast as I can :).

    My name is Miguel Angel, although in the english countries everybody call me Mike because is easier than the other one.

    Well, I love taking pics in film and used to over and under expose my films always, sometimes in order to give more contrast or sometimes to give more emphasis to the light. Talking about light, I have never use a flash, maybe because the way I learnt was with natural light and how to choose the right hour to take just one or two pics.
    Of course, I develope my own B&W films :) (in Spain, because here I don’t have either a proper darkroom nor the materials.) and the cameras I feel fit for me are the rangefinder ones, and, for sure, I am the owner of an incredible Leica M6 and a Canon 7S (but this last one is in Spain nowadays).

    However, I am not a professional (nothing more far away from that!!) I am very amateur and I like it! :D

    I am considering to join to the Limerick Camera Club because I’m in Limerick studying english and I guess that it can be a very good way to learn more from other photographers as well as a good way to develop my english skills.

    Anyway, thanks for the forum and hope to use it in a good way!!.

    miki g

    Welcome to the site Miguel. Hope you enjoy.


    Welcome to the site Miguel, good idea to join a camera club you will learn plenty
    both photography and language! :)


    welcome :) looking forward to seeing your pictures.


    Welcome & enjoy the site!!


    Green glens

    Welcome aboard Miguel post plenty…..John!


    Welcome Miguel. Come on into Limerick camera Club, Wednesday nights at 8pm in Mary Immaculate College. I’d hope to think we’re a friendly bunch. See you soon.


    Welcome Miquel, very good introduction :). Also your english is very good, so have no worries :)

    We have a good mix of digital and film photographers on the site. Even a few leica fans including myself :)

    Anyhow, enjoy the site here, let me know if you have any questions.


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