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A Terrapin I’ve rescued

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A Terrapin I’ve rescued

  • Noely F

    7 inch shell, was living in a 12×8 tank in 2 inches of filthy water!


    Good for you. And I like the pictures too.

    Watch he doesn’t chew you up, though. I hear they’ve a wicked bite.


    Nice one Noely.. Lovely pics… I have a lot of respect for anyone that rescues animals… well done..!


    Noely F

    Thanks all, I’ve spent ?200 plus,getting this lady back to fighting fitness.Believe it or not, she had to learn to swim again
    as she was never totally submerged.
    Also had to increase the tank temperature in increments,due to her being kept in cold water.
    I was saving money for an external hard drive but some things are a lot more important :wink:

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