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Ahem, a Fly…

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Ahem, a Fly…

  • Mark

    Its a brave person who posts up a fly photo when Noely’s on the prowl ;)

    Fly was cleaning its legs on a bamboo leaf.

    Anyhow, let me have it folks !


    Alan Rossiter

    Yup, it’s a fly. Nice and close too.

    Hmmm, don’t know how to say this but you’re right, when Noelys on the prowl there ain’t nothing that comes close.

    It’s better than I’ve ever done so I can’t but say well done. Colours are nice too.


    Noely F

    This is exactly like any of my shots Mark, it’s actually a lot clearer than a lot of mine too!
    The only difference is the magnification and I can only achieve that by making a dodgy home made lens :D
    If I could get this quality matched with my magnification I would be very happy indeed.
    The colour , sharpness and comp are spot on…..good stuff mate :wink:


    Gotta agree Mark..super shot and really nice and sharp. Did you use a dedicated Macro lens for this?


    Thanks guys for the comments :D.
    Noely: Its nothing as clear as yours :)

    Was interesting trying to get in close to it (he’s maybe 5mm in length) and focus manually on him. Never tried anything like it before.

    Robbie: I used a dedicated 60mm f2.8 Nikon lens on a tripod (got it 2nd hand from ebay). Setting were f7 1/100sec.

    I also have a Sigma 70-300 APO Macro II lens which I was going to sell on PI but might try using it
    to get closer or as Ross was talking about getting some of those Kenko extension tubes.

    Thanks again!


    A macro lens is definitely on my shopping list. Looked at some of the 2nd hand ones on ebay, but they weren’t exactly cheap. Then again, I’ve no idea how much they should be…

    That 70-300 certainly seems capable will be looking at that next time I get the buy green light from the Boss.. :wink: Just bought a SB-800 might be a while… :roll:

    Alan Rossiter


    What’s best for this type of photography? Macro, macro with tubes or 2 lenses taped together at the thick end? You’re giving me something to do with all this rain. I may try a bit of macro over the coming days.

    All I want to do now is convince the better half to leave a rotten chicken indoors to attract some flys…hmmm.



    Ya the 60mm is expensive new, I think almost ?400stg, needless to say that I didn’t pay that
    second-hand. Watched for a long time and got lucky, can’t recall how much I paid.

    You should be able to get a Sigma 70-300 for around ?100. Look for the APO II Super Macro one
    with the red stripe, not the gold one. I think that they might have brought out a newer one
    again, but at the time, 12mths ago, this 70-300 was rated as being even better than the Nikon one.


    Cheers Mark. Will keep an eye out for that. Shouldn’t break the bank so…


    Sharp and well caught. Glad to see someone is giving Noely a run for his money :lol:

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