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along the lagan…

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along the lagan…

  • ellude

    A shot from earlier this evening during a walk along the River Lagan tow-path. Afraid landscapes (does this even count as a landscape?) are definitely not my strong point, but interested to know what others think…


    Here’s a couple more taken during the same walk. First, the man who invented the portable heart defibrillator (kind of thing they carry around in ambulances) lived around here. They made a statue of him. Like the way the street lighting was lighting it up…

    A river boat moored for the night…

    And, finally, a car’s headlight. Don’t really know why I took a picture of this, but quite liked the outcome…




    Not really sure about these ones to be honest.

    I would crop the bottom half off the first image, bring out more detail in the trees. That will make the building look more ‘nestled’ in the trees, possibly adding a touch of mystery?

    I think that the statue shot is more of a record shot. How about taking a shot from behind the statue and show us what he is looking it. The guy sits and stares at it all day lol, so I’m guessing it is something spectacular! :lol:

    If I’m not mistaken, that car is a Toyota….brave man trying to make that look like a sleek wagon :lol:


    Actually I?m not too sure about these myself :)

    I?d been out for a walk, rather than specifically to take pictures, and think it was really too dark by the time I took these. Even half an hour earlier would probably have made a big difference to the first one (although the statue one probably looks better under street lights than it would in daylight, it was the gold colour that caught my eye ? but then not really a landscape at all!).

    Agree that in the first picture the bottom quarter or so would be better cropped out (this is just the full frame).

    I keep intending getting out to do more landscape pics, but like many other good intentions this tends to keep falling by the wayside! Some weekend soon I?ll make a point of heading up into the Mournes or somewhere and spend a bit of time looking for potential ?good places?.

    Meanwhile, I remain full of admiration for many here who do landscapes so well :)

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